Glutathione and ADHD

Glutathione and ADHD

A neurodevelopmental disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is found in both children and adults, characterised by impulsivity, inattention, and hyperactivity and although it is not classified as being on the autism spectrum, there are some overlapping symptoms.1

Recently, studies have shown the correlation between oxidative stress and inflammation in the brain with ADHD, and trials have also been uncovering a link between this same condition and low levels of glutathione.2

Therefore, raising glutathione levels in the body is going to assist in lowering or preventing the accumulation of oxidative stress and neuroinflammation, and in this way, assist with the condition of ADHD.3

However, finding ways to supplement glutathione has been challenging due to its fragile nature and the way in which it is destroyed by digestive enzymes in the stomach.

The breakthrough product changing the landscape of glutathione supplementation through its Hydrastat technology is Swish30. Glutathione can now be delivered through the mucosal membrane inside the mouth making this important antioxidant almost immediately bioavailable.






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